2T Company is the holding company in wich all activities of Menno and Simone van Nuland are housed. The origin of the company lies in 2T-Toys. "This company started as a hobby in 2004 ", according to Simone van Nuland-Hak, originally an accountant. " We wanted to buy fun and cheap toys for our children Thygo and Thymen (the 2T's). Cheaper compared to normal store prices, life is expensive enough. We bought more than we needed ourselves and sold the toys through websites as "Marktplaats". We found out that many of our friends and acquaintances had the same wish; quality toys at a low price. So we bought in larger amounts. My husband Menno van Nuland made a website in his spare time. First a free website but as soon as your own domain name. We filled our website with these articles that we actually have in stock ".
Are you an official dealer or just a specialist?
"We acquired the official LEGO® dealership and the official Playmobil dealership in 2004. Since then we have build a specialized assortment, with a lot of knowledge about the brands. The site and our store are well stocked with the complete line of LEGO® and Playmobil. Not only the current collection, but also older items or items that are not on the Dutch market. We are quick to introduce new items, and if we do not have an item, you can request it without obligation. We have developed a website for our Business to Business customers, www.happytoys.nl. We have done projects with museums, schools, holiday parks and hotels. These are tailor-made applications, which we fully design and deliver. Roiljo.nl has also been added to our portfolio of online toy stores.
Only online activities?
"No, in September 2013 we opened our Off Line store in 's-Hertogenbosch, the 2T-Shop. A real store, with a large assortment and all LEGO and Playmobil items in stock. Not just the current collection, we alsdo have a large amount of older items in stock.... maybe we have just what you are looking for! In the store there are many build up models that you can view, enthusiasts exhibit their collection in the special display areas, for the real LEGO® enthusiast a real Walhalla ".
Ordering via internet, is it safe?
"Of course there are always people with bad intentions. We can asure you we are 100% reliable, otherwise we would not have existed for so long. You can contact us at any time and have a visit address, our store. Nothing mysterious. If you want to pick up your order instead of having it send to you .... that's possible! Of course, all boxes are new and unopened. "
...and further?
2T-Toys is growing steadily. We have now opened our first online branch in Dubai. And we will continue growing.